- Collected Basic resources. Plastic, planks, leaves etc.
- Expanded raft with the building tool
- Made a fishing rod
- Died of thirst
- Made a water purifier
- Made a grill
- Planted a potato in a shoe
- Made a spear to fend off sharks
2. What I learned about how to play the game:
As with most survival games there is a constant need to find food, water, and basic resources that are required to make almost everything. There are also sharks that attack you and your raft. Starting off you need to use a hook to retrieve basic resources. After collecting these resources you need to work toward getting sources of food, water, building and protection. These include a fishing rod, a cup, a water purifier, a grill, a building hammer, and a spear. Work towards water and food first. Do not eat or drink anything that hasn't been cooked unless you are about to die. It is better to eat uncommon foods that you could've planted later rather than dying and losing everything.
3. What strategies I will try to focus on tomorrow:
Tomorrow I will try exploring to other rafts and islands now that I have a stable food source. Keeping a stable food source is still the priority along with expanding my raft.
4. Picture of My raft: